A Short History of Superadobe

The exact date of sandbag usage is not clear, but mainly it comes back to the First World War; when soldiers used earthbags for trenches.


The exact date of sandbag usage is not clear, but mainly it comes back to the First World War; when soldiers used earthbags for trenches. In the past century, has been under extensive research, and Gradually it has been recognized as an admissible solution to provide frugal housing.
It was Nader Khalili who popularized the making of earthbags. Initially in 1984, in response to NASA's invitation to design houses for human settlements on Mars and the moon in the future, Khalili proposed that it's possible to use the moon dust to fill the plastic tubes and tubes like hook-and-pile fasteners (instead of barbed wire). In the same year, he proposed the earthbag super adobe technique. In 1995, a shelter for refugees of the Persian Gulf War was built by Nader Khalili and UNDP.
Since then, the Superadobe method has been used in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Belize, Costa Rica, Chile, Iran, India, Russia, Mali, Thailand, as well as in the United States.